Updates & New Products Coming Soon


Updates & New Products Coming Soon

Discontinuation of Essential Serums:

Our Essential Serums are now discontinued from our Shop Site.

Add on Section:

We now have an "add-on" Category. There are various options there (Order Customization, Custom Peptides, Signature/Insurance Option for Shipping). If you are interested in Order customization or custom peptides, please review the item and contact us with your request.

Canada Post Signature Options- Shipping:

For those customers that wish to have the signature/I.D option upon delivery or insurance added, you may now add this option to your shopping cart by going to the "add on" category and add the item to your shopping cart. Canada post charges an additional 2.00 for each service and due to credit card fees, increased shipping costs, inflation costs we are no longer able to offer non-standard services free of charge. If this option has not been purchased, we will ship your package as normal, no signature, insurance. All packages are sent with tracking.

Price Changes/Increase 2023:

We are an honest, small business and have always prided ourselves on our open communication with our customers and are pleased we are able to continue to be able to do so with your understanding.

Every year Canada Post makes price changes to its services and prices with the parliament of Canada. These changes went into effect on January 9th, 2023. As per our last blog update, we have kept our pricing the same for shipping and Pure Radiance has been paying the additional parcel shipping costs charged. Unfortunately with the additional increases by Canada Post as well inflation increases for ingredients, supplies, utilities, internet and security fees, minimum wage increase to certain staff, and overall operational costs, we are disappointed in having to say that it has become increasingly difficult to offer discounted shipping and lower product prices.

At this time we will be increasing our shipping charges (only slightly) from $14 to $15 (regional) and from $18 to $19 (national). Canada Post increased prices for standard parcels from $18-$26 to $22-$28 (depending on location and weight of package); has increased the base rate for standard parcels and tracked packages, increased fuel surcharges (due to rising gas prices) and carbon neutral fees. This is in addition to the standard Ontario tax of 13%. Our new shipping flat rate is only a slight increase at this time, and we are informing customers that there may be increases to our customers in the near future. We may need to increase product or shipping prices or decrease discounts. For parcels 2.5lbs or more, the cost was increased by Canada Post to $30.86 regionally and $56.32 nationally (+ added fuel surcharges, carbon neutral fees and the 13% tax). We are continuing to do everything possible to be able to continue to offer discounts to our customers by decreasing our costs incurred.

As stated above, this has resulted in no longer being able to cover add on services offered by Canada Post such as the signature and insurance option. For those who wish to add these add on service offered through Canada Post you may add them to your shopping cart in the add on section of our shop site. In addition, all products will undergo a slight price increase. Although we are increasing prices slightly, we are pleased to say that with market research, we continue to offer the lowest prices when compared to other Organic Peptide Products. We are also pleased to be able to offer our peptide ingredients at higher percentage rates than others, increasing consumer results. Our commitment to you is to continue to provide you with the highest quality of products, at the best possible prices.

Interac E Transfer Payments vs. Credit Card Payments:

A reminder that Interac E Transfer is available as a payment option to all Canadian Customers. We highly encourage payment through this method. By making payment via this method, it saves us the 5% credit card transaction fee per order and therefore we are able to pass down savings to our customers through shipping discounts, tax savings and lower product pricing. After research, it has come to our attention that some of our small business cosmetic competitors have begun to add a service/transaction fee for credit card use, and some have also added "donate" or "tip" button options to help curb costs. We are hoping not to utilize these options but at this time, do encourage Interac E Transfer as payment to save costs to us, which in turn get passed onto you, our customers. Unfortunately with inflation and increased costs across the board over the past year, some of the savings our customers see, may soon need to be adjusted depending on customer support with payment options, the savings that we are able to pass on and the amount of business that we continue to have. Please help us by doing your part and making payment via Interac E Transfer so that we can continue to pass on these savings to you, our customers.

COMING SOON- Pepti-Max Complex Series:

Pure Radiance Natural Skin Care has been working behind the scenes to bring you new powerful anti aging products. We are proud to announce that our new advanced Pepti-Max Complex Series will be coming soon! The series is comprised of a Serum, Cream, Eye Cream and Chin & Jowl Concentrate. They work synergistically together to target the 12 key visible signs of aging: fine lines, wrinkles, density, firmness, sagging, texture, dehydration, dullness, discoloration, clarity, resilience and enlarged pores.

This series incorporates a high dosage of antioxidants, extracts, vitamins & peptides, which penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin activating the skins natural production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, reducing inflammation and mitigating the degradation of the extra-cellular matrix.

Ingredients are extremely effective alone, however when used together, will help safely counteract certain signs of changes our skin goes through during the aging process and declining levels of estrogen (loss of elasticity, collagen, skin binders/receptors, sagging skin, jowls, etc.). They do so by safely binding with receptors in the skin’s surface layers to support the areas that estrogen loss has affected, in a way that other cosmetic ingredients cannot.

Studies have shown an increase in skin thickness of 4%, reduction in depth of wrinkles by 44.9% and a reduction in the depth of crow’s feet by 39% within 4 weeks. The series can repair skin damage, reduce & slow down the symptoms of the aging process, make skin more resilient, renewed, healthier and more youthful.

Our Chin & Jowl Firming Concentrate is a treatment in a convenient roll on bottle, that tightens and firms jawline, double chin, decreases fat pockets, cellulite & severe skin sag. It targets progestin caused by aging. If required, may be applied to finger tips and then to under eye area on severe eye bags.

The Pepti-Max Complex Trio (serum, cream & eye) will be offered at a discounted rate and for those who wish to purchase solo items, this option will also be available. The Chin & Jowl Concentrate is sold individually as it is a specialized product for those with double chin & jowl concerns.

We thank all of you for supporting our new products by making a purchase and referring us to your friends and famiily!

Blog Subscriber Discount:

Reminder to all Blog Subscribers that the savetax coupon/discount continues to be active, however this also may be affected in the near future to decrease costs.

We thank you all for your support and continued business. Without your loyalty and referrals, we would not be able to continue to operate in these challenging times. We would also like to thank those who continue to provide us with ongoing feedback and suggestions, especially to one particular customer (name left confidential) who suggested incorporating the peptide Eyeliss into our Pepti-Max Eye Complex. Our Pepti-Max Eye Complex not only includes Eyeliss, but includes Eyeseryl, Caffeine, Algae, Rice, Soybean, Pea & Kelp Extracts for an extremely powerful Eye Cream. Our Pepti-Max Series will not disappoint!


Our current server email is a paid service and we may decide to change this to a free email provider in the near future to save additional costs. If we chose to do this prior to our servers renewal period, we will inform all customers via Blog and Instagram. For those making Interac E Transfer payments, this will mean that the email address for payment will change. Please stay up to date by reading our Blog, Terms of Service/Website and Instagram for any changes that may affect you.

Your continued loyalty, referrals, suggestions and feedback are always greatly appreciated.

Until next update, please follow, like and comment on our posts at Instagram at: https://instagram.com/pureradiancenaturalskincare

Love your skin,

Pure Radiance Natural Skin Care
